- Marcus triumphantly returns with the Dicksonia
- lower leaf surface with sori
- lower leaf surface with sori
Collection Data (Kessler Lehnert & Sundue 14249)
Classification & Common Names
- Class:
- Family: Dicksoniaceae
- Genus: Dicksonia L'Heritier
- Species: Dicksonia herbertii W. Hill.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 9-XIII-2011
- Primary Collector & #: Kessler Lehnert & Sundue 14249
- Collection Party:
- Det. History:
- Habitat: Primary Forest
- Habit: Terrestrial, Tree fern
- Specimen Locations: BRI, STU, Z
Additional Comments
Tree fern, trunk 2 m tall, 16 cm diam., with persistent petiole bases, very hairy, abundant adventitious roots at base, fronds fasculate, to 380 x 110 cm including 160 cm petiole, 11-12 pinn pirs, basal ones ± patent, not or scarcely reduced, apex gradually reduced; fertile, no or only weakly dimorphic with fertile parts with somewhat more contracted lamina, not restricted to some fronds or frond parts.
Collection Location
- Location: Mt. Lewis – – Cook District – Queensland – Australia.
- Coordinates: -16.53855, 145.26179
- Elevation: