This species is found from Costa Rica to Ecuador at high elevations, principally in montane forests and low páramos. It is a member of subsection Muscosa and perhaps easiest to confuse with Elaphoglossum muscosum, from which it differs by usually brown, denticulate rhizome scales (vs. reddish-brown and entire in E. muscosum). The two species also do not overlap geographically, with E. muscosum being found in northern Central America, the Caribbean, and southern Brazil.
Collection Data (W. Testo 1339)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Dryopteridaceae
- Genus: Elaphoglossum Schott ex J. Sm.
- Species: Elaphoglossum lehmannianum Christ
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 06-VIII-2017
- Primary Collector & #: W. Testo 1339
- Collection Party:
- Det. History: Weston Testo, October 2017
- Habitat: Montane forest
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: BRIT, HUA
Additional Comments
Infrequent in Quercus-dominated forest. Terrestrial, near rocks.